Monday 28 February 2011

February 2011 - Wildlife, Nature & Miscellaneous



Ria's tree

My furbabies!

Dirty boy!



February 2011 - Portraits & candid



Child of the 70's?

Hanging around


Does my baby look big in this vignette?

Brotherly love



Aston Marina

Although not a portrait, I thought it fit in better with the portraits than nature and misc. I took this shot the day that the NHS make public proposals to close down some of the UK's children's heart surgery unit. They propse going from 11 surgical units to just 6 or 7. Although Jamie's unit is safe, I feel for those who will be affected by the closures.

Our kids hearts are in your hands

February 2011 - Stratford Butterfly farm

On an overcast Sunday in February, we had a flickr group meet-up at the butterfly farm. Focusing was a bit of an issue as well as things steaming up to start with, lol!






Glasswing butterfly


DSC_3366 copy



February 2011 - Charity Abseil

At the turn of the new year, I had an email from Birmingham Children's Hospitals fundraising team asking for people to sign up to a "Love is in the Air" abseil, 131 ft down the front of the Mailbox in Birmingham. The page that the email linked to had a photo of Jamie in the top corner and I KNEW I had to do all I could to help, even throw myself over the edge of a building, lol! I signed up, then told hubby who thought I was joking. The weeks flew by and before I knew it, the day arrived. Thankfully it arrived bright and calm, unlike the previous weekend which had been horrible with high winds and rain. The time slot I was given was for the last group of the day, so I had all day to think about it and get worked up. I caught the train to the city and made my way to the Mailbox with not much time to spare. I took most of my shots BEFORE I did my abseil, good thing too, I was shaking so badly when I had done. So I check my gear, get my t-shirt and go and wait for the instructor to show us the ropes (scuse pun!). I did feel a little sad that everyone seemed to have people rooting for them, but nobody had come with me, everyone was either busy or unable to make it for one reason or another. I asked Mark to stay at home with the kids as I knew I wouldn't be back until tea time or later.

After our very brief lesson on abseiling, we were going up in the lift and then we were on the roof. The city looks beautiful from the top, made even more glorious by the late afternoon sun shining down on it. Finally the moment arrived, my harness was attached to the ropes I would actually be using, I was given last minute instructions, then I was asked to walk backwards until my heels were over the ledge..... the lean back! How I didn't pass out from fear, I will never know. I did however make a special effort to try and smile at the photographer who was photographing everyone poised at the top. Then I had to "walk" down a few rungs of the downward plank of wood before squatting, getting my knees on the plank and then..... free air! I thought the hard part was over but it turns out that I really don't like heights when dangling in mid air by a harness and rope, 125ft off the ground. I had to work really hard at not hyperventilating, then my arms started aching really badly and I tried really hard to get down as fast as possible. After what felt like forever, I touched the ground and although struggled to stand because I was trembling badly, I felt a huge rush of relief, amazement and wonderment. I DID IT!!! The feeling was indescribable. I was on a high for days. If you ask me now if I would do it again, the answer would have to be no for now, lol! I have raised almost £200 so far!

My 1st view of the building as I came out from under the bridge. Taken with my phone

Love is in the air - Abseil for Birmingham Children's Hospital


The chap who got me over the edge is on the left of this photo.


Gone (almost, lol!)

Almost there!

Enjoying the view


An after shot!

An after shot

Oh, and I went ahead and bought the shot of me the photographer took, how could I not after all that?!


February 2011 - Shugborough

I took the boys to Shugborough Estate on one of the few pleasant days we have had this month. It allowed me to put my Tamron lens to the test. Unfortunately the house itself does not open for another few weeks yet, but we had a good walk around the grounds.


For Nancy
